The University

Blick auf den Solitär aus dem Mirabellgarten, die große Fensterfront leuchtet orange, Abendstimmung

At the Mozarteum University, artistic encounters and challenges are combined with art education and art university research. Highly talented students from all over the world, together with renowned teachers at the Salzburg and Innsbruck campuses, dedicate themselves to developing and opening up the arts and training outstanding talent.

Mozarteum University Salzburg
Mirabellplatz 1
5020 Salzburg

Mozarteum University Innsbruck
Haus der Musik
Universitätsstraße 1
6020 Innsbruck


Amraser Straße 4
6020 Innsbruck

As diverse, fascinating and provocative, poetic and stirring, subtle and powerful, disturbing and reconciling as art, the Mozarteum University Salzburg sees itself as a place of artistic encounter and challenge. It is the only art university in Austria to combine music, performing arts and fine arts.

The Mozarteum University stands for special quality, openness and a historically close connection with Salzburg, characterized by an outstanding reputation and personalities such as Bianca Bianci, Bernhard Paumgartner, Clemens Krauss, Paul Hindemith, Lilli Lehmann, Carl Orff, Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Sándor Végh.

As a universal cultural institution, the Mozarteum University positions itself in Salzburg's cultural life with numerous events organized by students and faculty, and offers a wide range of opportunities for networking for later professional careers in the context of intensive studies in an artistic environment.

As an artistic, pedagogical and scientific center, the Mozarteum University fulfills regional and international tasks in equal measure. Through international exchanges of teachers and students, scholarship programs, exchange concerts and joint projects, the University maintains worldwide relations with friendly music and art colleges.

At one glance

active students


Mit über 2.000 Studierenden und 550 Lehrenden aus aller Welt zählt die Universität Mozarteum zu den großen europäischen Kunstuniversitäten. 15 Departments decken ein umfassendes Studien- und Forschungsspektrum ab, das die Bereiche Musik, Schauspiel, Regie, Applied Theater, Bühnenbild, Musik-, Tanz- und Kunstpädagogik sowie Open Arts umfasst. Dieses einzigartige, breitgefächerte Angebot ermöglicht es, neue Formen der Kollaboration, Interaktion und Partizipation sowohl zwischen den Künsten als auch zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst sowie Kunst und Pädagogik weiterzuentwickeln.

Studien am Puls der Zeit fördern die künstlerische, wissenschaftliche und pädagogische Bildung junger Talente mit dem Ziel, sich nach Abschluss des Studiums aktiv in der Kultur- und Kreativwelt sowie in der Vermittlung oder der Forschung bewegen zu können. Der Unterricht ist in hohem Grad individualisiert, zugleich aber an Eigenverantwortung geknüpft. Zahrleiche Lehrende sind in der Praxis renommierte Künstler*innen, Pädagog*innen und Researcher*innen, sodass praxisnahe Inhalte unmittelbar in die Lehre einfließen. Ergänzend zu Bachelor-, Master-, Diplom-, pädagogischen und Lehramtsstudien bietet die Universität Mozarteum eine Reihe von Vor- und Weiterbildungsangeboten im Rahmen des Pre-College, Universitätslehrgängen sowie PhD-Programmen.


Die Verbindung von wissenschaftlicher und künstlerischer Forschung hat das Potenzial, Antworten auf die drängenden Fragen der Gegenwart und Zukunft zu finden. Die Universität Mozarteum setzt deshalb seit Jahren verstärkt auf den Ausbau von Forschungsinfrastruktur, Forschungsförderung und Vernetzung und legt damit ein breites Fundament für universitäre Forschungsaktivitäten.

Das Forschungsmanagement organisiert Trainings, eine jährliche Research Competition sowie Research Fundings und unterstützt den Forschungsdialog, u.a. im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe research and/in the arts. Die interuniversitäre Einrichtung Wissenschaft und Kunst (W&K) in Kooperation mit der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg bewegt sich an deren Schnittstelle und gestaltet ein vielfältiges Angebot an Symposien, Lehrveranstaltungen, Tagungen und Workshops. Der immanente Forschungsschwerpunkt zu Wolfgang deus Mozart wird department- und institutsübergreifend im Mozart:Forum gebündelt, das thematische Schwerpunkte und Highlights setzt. Die School of Music and Arts Education (SOMA) ist als übergreifende Plattform für qualitätsvolle, forschungsbasierte Bildung von Musik-, Kunst- und Theaterpädagog*innen und darauf begründete Nachwuchsförderung spezialisiert. Ein besonderes Anliegen der School of Music and Arts Education ist die Vernetzung der künstlerisch-pädagogischen Studien mit inner- und außeruniversitären Praxis- und Forschungsfeldern.


Die komplexen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts suchen neue Formen der Kollaboration. Vor dem Hintergrund einer sich stark verändernden Gesellschaft lassen sich die Bewältigung globaler Probleme sowie die Gestaltung von Zukunft nur mehr gemeinsam denken. Die Universität Mozarteum kooperiert traditionell, aber auch aus diesem Kontext heraus mit 110 europäischen und internationalen Partneruniversitäten und pflegt weltweite Kooperationen.

Internationele Projekte, Studierende und Forschende – outgoing wie incoming – kreieren ein diverses, vielfältiges Lern- und Arbeitsumfeld, das sowohl die Universität als auch die Öffentlichkeit bereichert und transuniversitäre, transkulturelle und transdisziplinäre Kollaboration als Methode und Schlüsselkompetenz der heutigen Zeit begreift.

Orte wie Werkstätten, Veranstaltungsstätten, Ausstellungsräume oder das im Neubau der Universität Mozarteum am Kurgarten geplante X-Reality-Lab ermöglichen intensives Arbeiten zwischen den Departments sowie externen Partner*innen. Gesamtgesellschaftlich übernimmt die Universität Mozarteum in einer aktiven Teilhabe an demokratischen Prozessen und Diskursen Verantwortung – etwa im Rahmen von Projekten wie „Practicing Care“, das u.a. über ein Artist-in-Residence-Programm freiheitsbedrohten Künstler*innen Freiräume verschafft, über künstlerische Interventionen oder der Beteiligung am UniNEtZ-Projekt. Inmitten der Kulturstädte Salzburg und Innsbruck fördert die Universität Mozarteum zeitgenössische Diskurse in Kooperation mit Institutionen wie dem Museum der Moderne, der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum, der Szene Salzburg, der ARGE Kultur, den Salzburger Festspielen, dem Salzburger Landestheater oder dem Treibhaus Innsbruck. Sie ist Gastgeberin und Ort der Begegnung im Rahmen von Symposien, Tagungen und Netzwerktreffen. Zahlreiche Wettbewerbe und Ausschreibungen in Kooperation mit Institutionen aus Kultur, Wirtschaft, Stadt und Land Salzburg, Stadt Innsbruck sowie dem Land Tirol fördern Studierende.

Principles & History

The Mozarteum University is committed to integrity, professionalism, fairness, reliability and respect in all its actions. This is defined by the university's guidelines for teaching, development and development of the arts, science and research, and management and administration.

Work and decision-making processes are guided by the principles of legality, economic efficiency, expediency, economy and transparency. In the event of a suspicion of illegal actions or unfair conduct, members of the Mozarteum University Salzburg can submit information by e-mail to in implementation of the EU Directive on the Protection of Persons Reporting Breaches of Union Law (Whistleblower Directive).

The Mozarteum University has a central socio-political mission in the transfer of a diversity of artistic and scientific results. It is precisely with the help of artistic productions that it is possible to question norms, to open up spaces for critical discourse and, building on this, to bring about change. We are committed to a clear stance of anti-discrimination, justice and openness towards people of all sexual identities. A Gender and Diversity Sensitive Language Guide defines mindful and reflective language use.

Der Universität Mozarteum kommt im Transfer einer Vielfalt an künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen ein zentraler gesellschaftspolitischer Auftrag zu. Gerade mit Hilfe künstlerischer Produktionen gelingt es, Normierungen zu hinterfragen, Räume für einen kritischen Diskurs zu öffnen und darauf aufbauend Veränderung zu bewirken.

Wir bekennen uns zu einer klaren Haltung der Antidiskriminierung, der Gerechtigkeit und Offenheit Menschen aller sexuellen Identitäten gegenüber. Ein Leitfaden für geschlechter- und diversitätssensible Sprache definiert einen achtsamen und reflektierten Sprachgebrauch.

Social dimension & responsibility

We perceive lived diversity in the consideration of different socio-cultural backgrounds, a variety of ways of dealing with gender, physical or psychological challenges and talents as an opportunity and valuable potential. It is a principle of thinking, acting, interacting and communicating with one another.

The following institutions are particularly responsible for the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of this process:

In consultation with the Rectorate, the Department of Quality Management and Development Planning of the University, the Staff Office for Personnel Project Development, the Department of Career and Career Development (Personnel Development and Family Service Office), the Department of Study and Examination Management, the Austrian National Union of Students, as well as the representatives of the Gender Studies Platform, the members of the Institute and the Working Group act as multipliers in the dialogue with the representatives of various committees and groups (Senate, meetings of the heads of departments, AG Curricula) and especially in individual discussions.


Diversity-sensitive resource orientation enables continuous development:

  • in communicating and acting together
  • in the reflection and integration of different perspectives. 

The University Mozarteum Salzburg has a central socio-political mission in the transfer of a diversity of artistic and scientific results. It is precisely with the help of artistic productions that it is possible to question norms, to open up spaces for critical discourse and, building on this, to bring about change.


Cooperation & Networking
Austria-wide gender platform
Cooperation with Paris Lodron University Salzburg
Platform Gender Research, Gender Studies

Human Resources & Students
Cultural diversity as a challenge & opportunity
Gender sensitive thinking & acting
Social diversity as a challenge
Dealing with people with disabilities as an enrichment of what we do

Research & development of the arts
Gender & diversity research
Migration research
Echoes of diversity: at the intersection of science & art

Third Mission
Internal continuing education
Study supplement "Arts | Gender | Research)
Anchoring of gender & diversity issues in the curricula
Supporting measures in the delivery of teaching

The history of the Mozarteum University Salzburg begins in 1841: On the occasion of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart's fiftieth birthday, the music-loving citizens of Salzburg, with the support of the Prince-Archbishop, founded the "Dommusikverein und Mozarteum" as a conservatory for the cultivation of sophisticated church music. At that time there was a shortage of young instrumentalists, and the state of the musical landscape was accordingly: " The choir (...) was drowned out by the orchestra, which played quite too loudly (...) the best players were the three trombonists - the next best was the double bass player (...). In the birthplace of the most wonderful composer who ever lived, music is indeed in a state of sad decay " (Vincent and Mary Novello on the occasion of their visit to Salzburg in 1826, from the notes of the travel diary "A Mozart Pilgrimage").

The Mozarteum was primarily intended as a conservatory for the training of young musicians for the ecclesiastical service of the Salzburg Cathedral and was to initiate a revival for Salzburg. The founding goals also included organizing concerts, engaging and, above all, paying musicians*. Gifted students of the conservatory were additionally supported by the awarding of scholarships. In the first decades of its existence, the Mozarteum was not only an educational institution, but also an important crystallization point of the urban-civic cultural will and was strongly anchored in the political consciousness, through the upgrading of the city to a music and tourist center under the sign of Mozart.

In 1870, the International Mozart Foundation was established to promote talented musicians, and a decade later the Mozarteum Public Music School was founded, which in 1881 was taken over by the International Mozart Foundation, which at the same time changed its name to the International Mozarteum Foundation. In addition to the music school, the foundation administered an orchestra (later the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg) as well as a fund for the support of talented and needy musicians.

In 1914, the Mozarteum Public Music School became an independent educational institution and was recognized as a conservatory with public rights. Due to the difficult financial situation after the First World War, the music school was nationalized in 1922, and in 1939 it became the Mozarteum State University and in 1941 the Mozarteum Reich University. After the end of the Second World War, teaching, which had largely come to a standstill, was resumed on a continuous basis and the Mozarteum continued under the title of Musikhochschule. With the beginning of the 1950s, numerous new departments, scientific institutes and special courses were founded, and in 1953 the Academy of Music was elevated to the status of the "Mozarteum" Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Salzburg. With the enactment of the Kunsthochschul-Organisationsgesetz (KHOG) in 1970, the Academy, together with the three other Austrian art academies, became a university, a democratization of the development and development of the arts (read more: On the way to becoming an art university). in 1998, the former music school receives university status and since then bears the name Mozarteum University Salzburg.

In addition to the Mozarteum University, two other independent Salzburg institutions bear the name "Mozarteum": the International Mozarteum Foundation and the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg.

In 1981, a dislocated department was established in Innsbruck by the then Mozarteum University of Applied Sciences, where the field of study Music Education (now: Music Pedagogy) has been offered since the beginning, and Instrumental Music Education since 1986. In 2006, in cooperation with the Tyrolean State Conservatory Instrumental & Vocal Pedagogy was established as a degree program. In today's Department of Music Pedagogy - Innsbruck location about 200 students take the music pedagogical studies, in which a balanced artistic, pedagogical and scientific education is imparted by renowned teaching staff at a high university level. A large percentage of graduates of the offered studies are employed as teachers in secondary schools and music schools in music pedagogical professions, but also in the regional and supra-regional cultural and educational scene, for example as performing musicians, choirmasters, bandmasters and church musicians. Since 2018, the Department of Music Education and part of the Department of Musicology (Department of Musical Ethnology) have been located at the Haus der Musik in the center of Innsbruck.

Also the Department of Fine Arts & Design has a location in Innsbruck in PEMA 2 since 2019.

Cooperation Initiative

The Salzburg Higher Education Conference

With a total of 24,000 students, 3,700 employees, an annual budget volume of over 220 million euros and activities all over the world, Salzburg's six universities are of enormous importance for the economic and social development of the region.
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Literature about the Mozarteum University